Friday, October 17, 2008


Hachette Book Group
ISBN# 0446616419
Print - Available now

RATING: 4.5 Enchantments

Burned out? Not ready to face the public? Got offered a book deal and need peace and quiet to write in? Do the Walden thing!

And that’s exactly what Kitty does. But she doesn’t have a pond to look at near her little cabin. Just lots of trees. As for peace and quiet, it doesn’t happen. Not when the friendly greeting at her nearest grocery store is having a gun barrel in her face. Nor when dead animals appear on her door step. Before long though, her ideals of peaceful solitude are completely shattered when Cormac comes calling with his mauled friend and lawyer, Ben O’Farrell, in his arms.

As Kitty attempts to acclimate Ben to his new life, things around the cabin get even freakier, particularly when Kitty sees something with red eyes in the woods, and a circle of barbed wire crosses are found circling her rented cabin.

While the sexual tension between Kitty and Cormac sizzles, the sex that goes on between Kitty and Ben pops! When Cormac can no longer handle it, he takes off, but sends someone to help Kitty find out what’s been going on. When it becomes apparent that a great evil has taken root, and Cormac is arrested for shooting a woman, Kitty and Ben take off for New Mexico to find out if Cormac’s victim really was just some crazy woman in a wolf’s skin, or something far worse.

Yay! Another stunner from Ms. Vaughn. This book was a little more serious than the previous one, but still very much so worth the read. The surprise of Ben’s wolfhood definitely got my attention!

The sex scenes are perfect, in my humble opinion. Descriptive without being crass or too over the top. It’s a hard line to walk, and yet Ms. Vaughn makes it look easy. She also creates a page-turning plot with the appearance of great ease. The answer of one mystery simply leads one to the question of another, leaving the reader wanting more Kitty, and more of her world.

Somehow, Ms. Vaughn is able to make her characters and settings very real. It’s obvious that some research has gone into her works, as the subject of skin walkers is very difficult and touchy to deal with.

I applaud your work and am waiting with no small amount of impatience for more! Keep it up Ms. Vaughn!

July 2007

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