Friday, January 15, 2010

POWER PLAY by Deirdre Martin

Berkley Sensation (Penquin)
Sensuality Rating: Sensuous
ISBN# 978-0-425-22451-9
Available October 2008

Rating: 4 Enchantments

Monica Geary is a leading lady in a soap opera. Her status as leading lady is being threatened by the "new face on the block". Monica is desperate to please her peers with "pure" acting, yet doesn't want to lose her daytime status on top.

Eric Mitchell is a a playboy hockey star who is secretly a soap opera watcher. He is desperately trying to be accepted as the newest member of the New York Blades.

Monica and Eric's publicity managers devise a scheme to get them back on top through a public, fake romance. In private, though, they can't stand each other. Or can they? Both learn about the person behind the public image during their 'fake' dating. The media eats up the handsome couple; they are seen together all over the place. The news coverage pumps both their careers, so how can they break it off? Are they staying together just to boost their careers or will they actually fall in love?

POWER PLAY is well written and fun. The whole dating in the spotlight makes this fun. People always wonder what it would be like to be famous and POWER PLAY lets you step into the lives of two famous people for a time. Ms. Martin also brings in the softer side of two tough people in the spotlight and their insecurities. It is endearing to know that people who seem to have it all, have things they worry about and that they are insecure about. The sex scenes are few, but very steamy. There are several sub-plots that make POWER PLAY very interesting and hard to put down. I would definitely read this author again.

Ms. Martin is a New York Times bestselling author. Her website is which includes excerpts and upcoming books.

Sandy Maffeo
Enchanting Reviews
March 2009

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