Thursday, July 9, 2009

THE BEAST WITHIN by Lisa Renee Jones

Paranormal Romance
Harlequin Books/Silhouette Nocturne
ISBN# 978-0-373-61775-3
Print - Available now

Rating: 5 Enchantments

She came to him in his dreams, tempting him, taking him to the edge, bringing the Beast within him to the surface. Making him lose the control he has fought so hard to keep.

Jag is the leader of the Knights of White, immortal warriors fighting the soulless Darkland Beasts. He lost his first love and his soul to the beasts two centuries earlier. He regained his soul, and if he loses it again, it will be forever. He will not succumb to the call again.

Karen Gibson lived a life of pleasure and fun, one that sheltered her from her past. That is, until she received a telegram from her sister Eva, stating only that Mark, Eva’s husband, was dead. By not giving any other details, Karen knew something was wrong.

Jag and Karen meet for the first time at the airport. He recognizes her and is suspicious, while she’s simply tired from her flight. When she sees Jag, she feels an initial jolt of recognition. Jag questions her appearance in his dreams, and begrudgingly releases her finally.

Karen finds her sister in a comatose state however. She recognizes the bite marks on her neck, and knows that she needs help. Help she will find at Jaguar Ranch, where Eva can be healed by those who fight the Darkland Beasts. This is where she encounters Jag, again. Jag is a tortured soul, needing to find the strength and courage to battle the beast within, though horrified of the consequences if he were to release it. Karen is his stabilizer, showing him that he can overcome the beast, though he will not trust her easily.

I loved, loved, loved this story. I did not want this book to end and, consequently, cannot wait for the next installment of the series. Ms. Jones has created characters you believe in and whom you want to see again and again. She drew me into not only the main characters, but also her supporting characters. I cannot wait to read Des’ story or to find out how the relationship between Rock & Marisol evolves (I’m hoping they get their own book too). I especially want to see what will transpire in the struggle between the good of Salvador, the descendent of Archangel Raphael, and the evil of Adrian, the right-hand man of Cain, the lord of the demons.

Ms. Jones has just become an auto buy for me! To find out more about this author and her books, you can visit her on the web at

November 2007

HOLD by Zannie Adams

Futuristic Romance
Ellora’s Cave
ISBN# 9781419912849
eBook - Available now

Rating: 5 Enchantments

Imprisoned for a violation against the Coalition, mistakenly assuming that while she was given permission to explore the Imperial Palace of Karna, the permission also extended to digging on the Palace grounds, archeologist Riana is sent to the prison planet, Genus 6. A prison guard is kind enough to give her advice during her processing. In order to survive, she must align herself with the strongest man in the Hold. To give herself to him in exchange for his protection.

Dropped in the Hold, Riana is immediately surrounded by the predatory inmates, all wanting to have her. She notes the solitary man in a cell watching the goings on. Thorn, one of the Alphas, gives her the choice of him or he will give her to all the other prisoners. Not liking the cold, selfish look of him, Riana kicks him and chooses the loner in the cell.

Cain had been in the Hold for a year now. He had learned to survive by showing little or no emotion. By being stronger than all the rest. When Riana faces him through the bars, begging to be let in, he cannot refuse. While she realizes she must go through with the inevitable physical relationship, she is surprised by the actual pleasure and passion she feels for him.

Riana and Cain’s relationship is one of few words, but of great emotion. Cain is very driven and focused on finding an escape route. Riana is not sure of Cain’s feelings for her, though she knows she is growing to care for him. Riana is scared that when he does escape, he will not take her with.

I could not put this book down. It was as if something grabbed me and made me sit and finish the book in one afternoon. Ms. Adams had my undivided attention as I followed her characters, Cain and Riana. I was skeptical at first, but she gave such depth to Cain and Riana, that while the setting primarily took place in their cell, I just HAD to continue reading to see what their plan was to escape, and how their relationship developed. The chemistry between them was so hot and all-consuming, I think my pages began to smolder.

To find more information about this author, please visit her author bio page at or her web page at

November 2007


Regency Romance
Cerridwen Press
ISBN# 9781419911590
eBook/Available now

Rating: 4 Enchantments

Palms sweaty, nerves jittery, butterflies in her stomach - it was opening night at the Elysium Theater. Miranda was making her acting debut as Hermia in “A Midsummer Nights Dream”, at her brother-in-law Edward’s theater. If she succeeded, it would mean that she could have a career, a chance to be independent.

Justin, Lord Devereux, needed money, and he needed money fast. He wasn’t due to come into his inheritance until his 35th birthday, a long way off. There was a prime piece of property that he wanted to buy, which he knew would not be on the market long. Justin decided to approach his uncle, Lord Meresford, for an early advancement of his funds. The answer is no, he is too young. But were Justin to become engaged to a respectable young lady, he may be persuaded into dissolving the trust early, so long as his wife, Lady Meresford, also approved of the match.

While Miranda and her sister, Mary, are scrambling to find a way to raise money to release Edward from prison, Justin is confronted by his aunt, Lady Meresford, and her new “charge” Lettice Tenley. To escape Lettice’s scheming, Justin quickly made up an imaginary fiancée. He hires Miranda to act as his fiancée until he could convince his uncle to dissolve his trust. He also wanting to avoid marriage with Lettice. Miranda jumped at the opportunity to earn enough money to bail her brother-in-law out of prison.

This was not a bad book, but it’s not one I will be reading again. While I found Miranda to be a warm and loving character, Justin came off as cold and stand-offish. I’m really not sure when they fell in love. My favorite character was Miranda’s nephew, Anthony; too bad nobody would listen to him!

I give credit to Ms. Etter for keeping me interested, I really did want to see what Miss Lettice Tenley held over Justin’s aunt, Lady Meresford, but I found the writing a little over-dramatic for my tastes, it was like reading a spoof of a romance - very cliché. I think the kicker for me was the “Scooby-Doo” ending “Everything would have worked perfectly if it hadn’t been for that abominable brat.” I did crack me up - I do love the Scooby gang, but I’m not sure that was the author’s intention. To find out more about this author and the books she has written, you can visit her on the web at

November 2007
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