Thursday, July 9, 2009

THE BEAST WITHIN by Lisa Renee Jones

Paranormal Romance
Harlequin Books/Silhouette Nocturne
ISBN# 978-0-373-61775-3
Print - Available now

Rating: 5 Enchantments

She came to him in his dreams, tempting him, taking him to the edge, bringing the Beast within him to the surface. Making him lose the control he has fought so hard to keep.

Jag is the leader of the Knights of White, immortal warriors fighting the soulless Darkland Beasts. He lost his first love and his soul to the beasts two centuries earlier. He regained his soul, and if he loses it again, it will be forever. He will not succumb to the call again.

Karen Gibson lived a life of pleasure and fun, one that sheltered her from her past. That is, until she received a telegram from her sister Eva, stating only that Mark, Eva’s husband, was dead. By not giving any other details, Karen knew something was wrong.

Jag and Karen meet for the first time at the airport. He recognizes her and is suspicious, while she’s simply tired from her flight. When she sees Jag, she feels an initial jolt of recognition. Jag questions her appearance in his dreams, and begrudgingly releases her finally.

Karen finds her sister in a comatose state however. She recognizes the bite marks on her neck, and knows that she needs help. Help she will find at Jaguar Ranch, where Eva can be healed by those who fight the Darkland Beasts. This is where she encounters Jag, again. Jag is a tortured soul, needing to find the strength and courage to battle the beast within, though horrified of the consequences if he were to release it. Karen is his stabilizer, showing him that he can overcome the beast, though he will not trust her easily.

I loved, loved, loved this story. I did not want this book to end and, consequently, cannot wait for the next installment of the series. Ms. Jones has created characters you believe in and whom you want to see again and again. She drew me into not only the main characters, but also her supporting characters. I cannot wait to read Des’ story or to find out how the relationship between Rock & Marisol evolves (I’m hoping they get their own book too). I especially want to see what will transpire in the struggle between the good of Salvador, the descendent of Archangel Raphael, and the evil of Adrian, the right-hand man of Cain, the lord of the demons.

Ms. Jones has just become an auto buy for me! To find out more about this author and her books, you can visit her on the web at

November 2007

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